Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Scarsdale Diet

The Scarsdale diet is a strict 14-day eating plan. Dieters must adhere to a very strict diet for two weeks, the menu is set out below along with a copy of the Scarsdale diet rules for reference. The Scarsdale Medical Diet claims to offer dieters fast weight loss of up to 20 pounds in just two weeks.
Generally the diet is to be followed for two weeks – repeating the menu specified once. It is recommended that you follow the principles of the Scarsdale diet for two weeks, then follow a ‘keep trim’ plan for two weeks. The ‘keep trim’ plan allows you to make up your own variations on the fixed menu below.

The rules for the Scarsdale Diet are:

1. Have at least four glasses of water each day (you can also have diet sodas).

2. Season foods with herbs, salt, pepper, lemon, vinegar, Worcestersire sauce, soy sauce, mustard or ketchup to taste.

3. Eat exactly what is listed on the menu – no substitutions.

4. Between meals, you can snack on carrots, celery or low-sodium vegetable broth only. No other snacks are permitted while on the Scarsdale Medical Diet.
5. Drink only coffee, tea, club soda, diet sodas and other sugar-free drinks. Your primary drink should be water.

6 . Prepare salads without oil, mayonnaise or rich dressings – you may use lemon and vinegar, a vinagrette or mustard dressing.

7 . Eat vegetables without butter, margarine or other fats; lemon may be used for flavour.

8 . Eat only the leanest meats – remove all visible fat before eating, remove all skin and fat from poultry before eating.

9 . You don’t have to eat everything on the list, but you must not add or substitue foods on the menu.

10 . Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.

11. DO NOT stay on the diet for more than fourteen days – those wishing to continue their weight loss should follow a ‘two weeks on, two weeks off’ approach to the Scarsdale Medical Diet.

The Scarsdale Diet menu plan is as mentioned, very strict. The specifics of this vary depending on where you receive the diet information from, however, the general menu is as follows – where no portion is specified, you may eat as much as you like:

Every day, breakfast is a cup of black coffee or tea with non-sugar sweetener if desired, a slice of toast and half a grapefruit.

Day 1:
Lunch – any amount of lean beef, chicken or fish plus tomato salad and coffee or tea.
Dinner – broiled fish plus tomato and lettuce salad plus grapefruit or melon.

Day 2:
Lunch – any amount of fruit salad plus coffee.
Dinner – hamburger without bread and as many cooked vegetables as you like.

Day 3:
Lunch – tuna salad and grapefruit or melon.
Dinner – two lean pork chops and mixed green salad plus coffee.

Day 4:
Lunch – Two eggs, cottage cheese, 3oz squash, 1 piece of toast and coffee.
Dinner – chicken plus spinach or green pepper plus coffee.

Day 5:
Lunch – all the dry cheese you want plus spinach and one piece of toast.
Dinner – broiled fish plus cooked vegetables or green salad and one piece of toast.

Day 6:
Lunch: as much fruit salad as you want plus one cup of coffee.
Dinner: broiled chicken without skin, tomato and lettuce salad, grapefruit or melon and coffee.

Day 7:
Lunch: cold or hot chicken plus tomato and lettuce salad, grapefruit or melon and coffee.
Dinner: lean beef with mixed salad and coffee.

The Scarsdale Medical Diet is criticised by many for limiting the food choices for dieters, therefore restricting the vital nutrients that dieters take in. Proponents of the Scarsdale approach are quick to counter this criticism by pointing out that the Scarsdale diet is not intended to be a long-term dietary programme, but rather a quick way for relatively healthy people to lose around one and a half stone. That ‘quick fix’ approach is the other key criticism dieticians have for the Scarsdale programme – they point out that following it for more than two weeks is detrimental, and that many dieters who follow the Scarsdale diet plan end up gaining the weight back soon after stopping the diet as their weight loss was temporary.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Meridia - Diet Pill

Meridia is a prescription-only weight loss pill that works by suppressing the appetite. The drug does this by increasing the volume of substances such as serotonin and dopamine in the brain’s synapses. Unlike other diet drugs, Meridia doesn’t increase the release of these neurotransmitters, but rather, it inhibits the uptake of them by the nerve cells.

Studies have shown Meridia to be effective – yielding an average weight loss of up to 12kg for between six and 12 months. These results are based on Meridia being used in conjunction with a healthy, low-calorie diet and exercise programme. Follow-up studies have shown that the weight loss achieved can be maintained for a reasonable time if the dieter follows a healthy diet and continues to be physically active. Dieters who return to their old habits once their Meridia prescription lapses are likely to regain the weight they have lost while on the drug.

People with a BMI of 30 or more are considered good candidates for Meridia diets. The pill is prescribed along with a well-balanced, low-calorie diet and a programme of regular exercise along with other lifestyle changes. Dieters who do not follow the recommended diet and exercise programme are unlikely to succeed in meeting their Meridia weight loss goals as the pill is designed to be a weight loss aid, not a substitute for a proper diet.

Dieters beginning a Meridia programme generally start taking a 10mg dose of the drug shortly after their morning meal. Meridia is usually prescribed for an initial period of four weeks, so that dieters can be assessed for changes to their blood pressure and heart rate as these can go up, particularly when the drug is working. At a minimum, Meridia dieters can expect to lose around four pounds during this induction period.

As dieters progress, they can expect to have ongoing checks from their medical team for weight loss, blood pressure, heart rate and other side effects. Where blood pressure rises, the Meridia dosage is generally decreased – where weight loss is sluggish, the dosage is increased.

Use of Meridia is contraindicated for people with kidney or liver disease, and the elderly. There are a variety of risks, particularly for those who have suffered from stroke, heart disease, glaucoma, seizures, gall stones or a past history of drug abuse.

Possible side effects from taking Meridia include drowsiness, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, headaches, dry mouth, insomnia, increased sweating and constipation. Additionally, it is not recommended that dieters take Meridia for more than two years as there is not a great deal of research to determine the impact of long-term use.

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Mediterranean Diet

Based on the traditional cuisine of the Mediterranean countries of Europe and Northern Africa, this diet option provides a number of proven health benefits in addition to offering a good weight loss option for dieters. The diet includes a vast selection of antioxidant-rich vegetables, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. The Mediterranean diet plan incorporates a reduced consumption of dairy products and meats, as well as a moderate intake of alcohol.

The Mediterranean diet works by providing all the nutrients your body needs in a healthier form – primarily from fruits, vegetables, beans and grains. While the diet does not restrict carbohydrate consumption, the Mediterranean approach does emphasise that dieters should eat whole, fresh foods over processed breads and pastas. The silver bullet of the Mediterranean diet is the fact that over half the fat calories consumed by Mediterranean dieters are monounsaturated, or ‘good’ fats – these are primarily from fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil.

The importance of eating minimally processed, seasonally fresh, locally grown food is paramount to the Mediterranean diet – the fresher the produce is, the greater the micronutrient and antioxidant content of the food.
The key principles of the Mediterranean diet are:

1. Eat more fresh bread.

2. Eat more root vegetables and green vegetables, try to change you choices with the seasons.

3. Eat oily fish (mackerel, sardines, salmon and even trout).

4. Eat less red, fatty meats.

5. Eat a bit of fruit each day.

6. Replace butter, cream and similar fats with olive, rapeseed or ground-nut oils/margarines.

7. As an option, wine may be taken with meals, in moderation, to average no more than two glasses per day for men and one glass per day for women.

The Mediterranean diet is based on a significantly different version of the food pyramid that most dieters are familiar with. The Mediterranean food pyramid’s base is grains, bread, pasta, polenta, couscous and potatoes. The second tier is fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts. Above this is olive oil, followed closely by cheese and yoghurt. Those items are permissible for daily consumption. Moving up the Mediterranean diet pyramid further, one finds that weekly consumption of fish, poultry, eggs and sweets is permitted. And at the top, a monthly meat-based meal is also allowed.

The Mediterranean diet approach encourages daily physical activity as part of the healthy lifestyle it promotes. Additional benefits of the Mediterranean diet are reduced cholesterol levels, which yield a reduction in the chance of having a stroke or heart attack. The Mediterranean diet is also associated with reducing high blood pressure, as well as a potential reduced risk for a number of birth defects.

Dieters following a Mediterranean eating plan find that they are seldom bored with the options available as there are numerous books of diverse, satisfying dishes for all the family. This means that dieters aren’t forced to cook one meal for themselves and another for their guests, children or partner. more info click here

Criticism for the Mediterranean diet is solely based on the lack of access some people have to fresh fruit and vegetables – a cornerstone of the approach.